Why Korean Skincare?

It was 2019, my sisters and I has just landed the night before and now at 9AM the next day, we were walking towards the KINTEX to meet up with Korean skincare brands. Ever had that feeling where you know you are doing something important, but the entire idea of what you are accomplishing hasn’t entirely synced in? Well, we knew we were in South Korea to get the ball rolling on a very dear project for all of us, but we hadn’t grasped the idea that our lives, and our knowledge of skincare, were going to change forever and for the better good.



We are four sisters and my niece, Renata. My sister Brenda is in her 40’s, my sisters Aileen and Lucille are in their 30’s, I am in my 20’s, and Renata is in her early teens. Through the years, skincare knowledge and trends have changed. Our skincare knowledge was greatly influenced by the culture we grew up in, and due to our different ages, we all had very different skincare knowledge.



I still remember when I was 11 years old, and I was going to my first summer camp. I wanted to take a Vitamin E cream with me because I was that little girl who always loved skincare. My aunt told me: “You are too young to be using that. Did you know the sooner you start using skincare products, the sooner you get wrinkles?” Boy, how misinformed were we! Fast forward to 2019 in South Korea, where the skincare culture is so embedded in everyone, regardless of gender or age, that there are animal-inspired sheet masks for 5-year-olds to use.


My sisters and I were in awe! We have always loved skincare and beauty, and by then we had been practicing the Korean Skincare Routine for some time but experimenting the K-Beauty concept first-hand where it all started, was impactful. We were meeting amazing brands, learning in person about their products, benefits, and ingredients.